Dee's House ( Drug & alcohol Treatment / rehab for women 30+ Yrs old

Rating: 5.0   (4)


  • Addiction
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Drug Abuse
  • Drug Addiction
  • Intervention center
  • Medical Detox
  • Substance Abuse

Payment Options

  • American Express
  • Cash or self-payment
  • Check
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Accepted Insurances

  • Most Insurances


Based out of Fountain Valley, California, Dee's House ( Drug & alcohol Treatment / rehab for women 30+ Yrs old is a multi-faceted substance abuse organization with various flexible drug and alcohol addiction treatment options, including Counseling. In addition to these treatment options, there are drug and alcohol addiction treatment areas of specialization to further help struggling addicts recover effectively. Such areas of specialization include: Drug Addiction and Alcohol Addiction.

Because it's understandable that seeking addiction rehab in Fountain Valley, California, especially if it's one's first time doing so, can feel like a pretty scary thing. This is why the addiction therapists and counselors at Dee's House ( Drug & alcohol Treatment / rehab for women 30+ Yrs old do everything in their power to make their patients feel as comfortable as possible, as to ease this initial scary feeling.

Dee's House ( Drug & alcohol Treatment / rehab for women 30+ Yrs old also takes accepted medical insurances, i.e. Most Insurances, and certain payment options upon qualification, such as: American Express, Cash or self-payment, Check, Mastercard, Visa. Dee's House ( Drug & alcohol Treatment / rehab for women 30+ Yrs old may be contacted via their website at

Contact Details

18886 Santa MartaFountain ValleyCalifornia  92708

Google Reviews

  5.0   6 years ago

This program was a lifesaver. A relative of mine spent 90 days there and it was the best thing she could have done for herself. It's for women over 30 who have alcohol and/or substance abuse issues. The therapists, programs, spiritual programs, mindfulness and Kundalini yoga helped to guide her to recovery. One of the wonderful things is that it is ALL women and they understand the pressures and triggers that women today are faced with. The house is warm and inviting and she said it had a quiet, spiritual presence everywhere, lending to positive energy. The healing that happens there remarkable. Everyone there played their own important part in her recovery. The support, love, and peace that everyone poured upon her made a huge difference in the quality and intensity of her recovery. Thank you Kimmy, Kimberly, and all who make Dee's House such a successful recovery center. !!!!!

  5.0   6 years ago

It sounds cliche, but Dee's House literally saved my life. I came to Dee's straight from a psychiatric hospital, where I had gone out of desperation because I had given up and was ready to end my life. What I found at Dee's not only made me want to live, it gave me strength and courage to know my true self and my purpose in this world. I didn't just learn how to live without drugs and alcohol; I learned to love myself. I was surrounded by like-minded women in my age group who were on the same healing path and who, out of darkness, were clawing their way back with me to love and light. The intimacy created at Dee's by purposely keeping the facility small (6 women at a time) helped me to build trusting bonds with the women with whom I was healing. We shared such deep, sacred dark truths as well as transformative healing moments, that these women will be with me for the rest of my life's journey. I will be forever grateful to Dee's House, Dee's owner Kimmy and the rest of the Angel tribe at Dee's for giving me my life back. I now love this gift of life.

  5.0   6 years ago

Dee's House saved my life and at 45 years old I don't think I could have stayed sober at any other residential treatment program. Dee's House is for mature women 30+ therefore I wasn't surrounded by young women in their 20's who were just starting their journey. My journey through this world is well on its way and my struggles with Alcohol and Drugs had brought me to my knees. I went to Dee's broken and looking for help from like minded women. I didn't want to be treated like a child because I have one of my own and cleaning house was not a lesson I needed to learn. I needed to learn how to forgive myself and love myself again so that I could repair my relationships with the family I created and then nearly destroyed. Thank you Kimmy and all the Angel tribe at Dee's for giving me my life back. I'm 2 years sober and loving every minute of it!!

  5.0   7 years ago

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